Use the Spectrum 128 style menu below to navigate to the various sections concerning the ROM disassemblies.

ROM Disassembly Main Menu Title
Spectrum 128
Spectrum +2
Spectrum +2A/+3
Spanish Spectrum 128

Spectrum +2 ROM

Amstrad released three different language versions of the Spectrum +2 - English, Spanish and French. These differed only in the text displayed in the menus and error messages. However, no attempt to maintain ROM routine entry points was made and so programs that directly access the ROM, e.g. Hisoft 128 BASIC Compiler, will fail on the non-English language versions.

The Spectrum +2 ROM is very similar to the Spectrum 128 ROM, introducing no new functionality or bug fixes. It differs in the following ways:

The following table shows a comparison of the different language versions of the Spectrum +2 ROM and the Spectrum 128.

Spectrum 128 Spectrum +2 Spanish
Spectrum +2
Spectrum +2
$0000-$0565 $0000-$0565 $0000-$0565 $0000-$0565 Identical.
$0566-$057C $0566-$059B $0566-$059B $0566-$059B Copyright message modified.
$057D-$2743 $059C-$276C $059C-$276C $059C-$276C Identical.
$2744 $2763 $2763 $2763 Reduced the number of main menu items from 5 to 4 due to the removal of the Tape Tester.
$2745-$2750 $2764-$276F $2764-$276F $2764-$276F Identical.
$2751-$2753 Tape Tester main menu option jump table entry.
$2754 $2770 $2770 $2770 Reduced the number of main menu item strings from 5 to 4 due to the removal of the Tape Tester.
$2755-$275D $2771-$2779 $2771-$2779 $2771-$2779 Main menu "128" menu title text.
$275E-$2768 $277A-$2784 $277A-$2784 $277A-$2781 Main menu "Tape Loader" menu option text.
$2769-$2771 $2785-$278D $2785-$278D $2782-$278B Main menu "128 BASIC" menu option text.
$2772-$278B $278E-$2797 $278E-$2798 $278C-$2797 Main menu "Calculator" menu option text.
$277C-$2783 $2798-$279F $2799-$27A0 $2798-$27A0 Main menu "48 BASIC" menu option text.
$2784-$278E Main menu "Tape Tester" menu option text.
$278F-$27A0 $27A0-$27B1 $27A1-$27B2 $27A1-$27B2 Identical.
$27A1-$27A9 $27B2-$27BA $27B3-$27BB $27B3-$27BB Edit menu "Options " menu title text.
$27AA-$27B2 $27BB-$27C3 $27BC-$27C4 $27BC-$27C5 Edit menu "128 BASIC" menu option text.
$27B3-$27BA $27C4-$27CB $27C5-$27CD $27C6-$27D0 Edit menu "Renumber" menu option text.
$27BB-$27C0 $27CC-$27D1 $27CE-$27D5 $27D1-$27D5 Edit menu "Screen" menu option text.
$27C1-$27C5 $27D2-$27D6 $27D6-$27DD $27D6-$27DF Edit menu "Print" menu option text.
$27C6-$27C9 $27D7-$27DA $27DE-$27E3 $27E0-$27E5 Edit menu "Exit" menu option text.
$27CA-$27D2 $27DB-$27E3 $27E4-$27EC $27E6-$27EE Identical.
$27D3-$27DB $27E4-$27EC $27ED-$27F5 $27EF-$27F7 Calculator menu "Options " menu title text.
$27DC-$27E5 $27ED-$27F6 $27F6-$2800 $27F8-$2803 Calculator menu "Calculator" menu option text.
$27E6-$27E9 $27F7-$27FA $2801-$2806 $2804-$2809 Calculator menu "Exit" menu option text.
$27EA-$27EB $27FB-$27FC $2807-$2808 $280A-$280B Identical.
$27EC $27FD $2809 $280C Tape Loader message changed from lower screen row 1 to lower screen row 0.
$27ED-$27F3 $27FE-$2804 $280A-$2810 $280D-$2813 Identical.
$27F4-$2810 $2805-$283C $2811-$284E $2814-$2851 Tape Loader message modified.
$2811-$2815 $283D-$2841 $284F-$2853 $2852-$2856 Identical.
$2816-$281B Tape Tester menu option handler routine.
$281C-$3854 $2842-$387A $2854-$388C $2857-$388F Identical.
$3855-$3859 Tape Tester black banner printing routine.
$385A-$3BE8 $387B-$3C09 $388D-$3C1B $3890-$3C1E Identical.
$3BE9-$3C62 Tape Tester routine.
$3C63-$3FFE $3C0A-$3FA5 $3C1C-$3FB7 $3C1F-$3FBA Identical.
$3FA6-$3FFE $3FB8-$38FE $3FBB-$3FFE Unused space, all containing $00.
$3FFF $3FFF $3FFF $3FFF Identical.

The three language versions of the Spectrum +2 ROM 0 disassembly were automatically derived from the Spectrum 128 ROM 0 disassembly using a Windows conversion utility I produced. As updates to the Spectrum 128 ROM 0 disassembly are made, this utilty should always be used to create the equivalent Spectrum +2 listings and hence to guarantee that all versions remain in synchonisation.

Click here to download the Spectrum +2 ROM Disassembly Creator utility, version 1.09.

English Spectrum +2 ROM

Click here to download the Spectrum +2 English ROM 0 Disassembly.
Click here to download the Spectrum +2 English ROM 1 Disassembly.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 English ROM 0.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 English ROM 1.

Spanish Spectrum +2 ROM

Click here to download the Spectrum +2 Spanish ROM 0 Disassembly.
Click here to download the Spectrum +2 Spanish ROM 1 Disassembly.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 Spanish ROM 0.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 Spanish ROM 1.

French Spectrum +2 ROM

Click here to download the Spectrum +2 French ROM 0 Disassembly.
Click here to download the Spectrum +2 French ROM 1 Disassembly.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 French ROM 0.
Click here to download a dump of the Spectrum +2 French ROM 1.