- ZX80 ROM disassembly.
- ZX81 video display mechanism, some of which is applicable to the ZX80.
Grant's ZX80 Homebuilt Hardware Page (Grant Searle)
- Schematic and PCB foil patterns of the ZX80.
- Reproduction artwork of the ZX80 keyboard layout.
- Modifying a ZX80 to support a ZX81 style flicker-less display.
- Z80 CPU instruction timings.
- ZX80 instruction manual - 'A Course in BASIC Programming'.
- ZX80 1-3K RAM pack instructions.
- ZX80 PCB photos.
- ZX80 1-3K RAM pack photos.
Scot's ZX80 Site (Collation of links to ZX80 related material)
- ZX80 construction manual.
- Adverts for the ZX80.
- Magazine reviews of the ZX80.
'ZX80 - ZX81 - Pocket TV' flickr Archive (Rick Dickinson - Sinclair Research Industrial Designer)
- Photos of a ZX80 in a pre-production transparent case.
- Photos of the original 8K BASIC keyboard overlay for the ZX80.
EightyOne Emulator (Michael D. Wynne)
- ZX80 emulator for Windows.
JSZeddy (Erik Olofsen)
- ZX80 / ZX81 emulator for Javascript enabled Web browsers.
ZEsarUX (Cesar Hernandez)
- ZX80 / ZX81 emulator for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.
ZX81 - iOS (Kevin Palser)
- ZX80 / ZX81 emulator for iOS.
- Online scans of Sinclair specific and generic computer magainzes from the 1980s.
- Sinclair User (Issue 1, April 1982) - Description of the introduction of ZX80 flicker-free games.
- Sinclair User (Issue 1, April 1982) - Converting 4K ROM BASIC programs to 8K ROM BASIC.
- Online scans of Sinclair specific and generic computer magainzes from the 1980s.
- Online version of Mastering Machine Code On Your ZX81 or ZX80 by Toni Baker.
The Type Fantastic (TTFn) (Jim Grimwood)
- List of type-in programs for the ZX80 from various magazines, many available for download. Of special note are a range of 16K programs by Mike Hyams that appeared in ZX Computing.
- Details on how to restore the original colour of 'yellowing' plastic.
RWAP Software (Rich Mellor)
- Supplier of reproduction membranes for the ZX80.
- Supplier of reproduction plastic case rivets for the ZX80.
Sell My Retro (Rich Mellor)
- Online auction site specialising in retro computer items, including the ZX80 reproduction spares sold by RWAP Software.
Sinclair ZX80 / ZX81 Forums (Rich Mellor)
- Discussion forum covering the ZX80.